Anywhere in the country! Do you know MAPCODE that can pinpoint where you want to go?


MAPCODE is a numerical number that the latitude and longitude of a place in Japan are converted into. “Drive! NIPPON” allows you to search MAPCODE. You can also set MAPCODE in the car navigation system in setting the destination. Searching and Using MAPCODE are totally free of charge.

MAPCODE consists of zones that the whole of Japan is roughly mesh-divided into, blocks and units that zones are further subdivided into. MAPCODE is composed of three parts: the first set, zone number; the second set, block number; the final set, unit number. The whole of Japan is divided into 1,162 zones, one of whose length of each side is approximately 27 km. A zone is divided into 900 blocks. A block is divided into 900 units (1 unit : 30m x 30m). Moreover, a unit can be subdivided into 3m squares called S core. That enables you to obtain the location information with high accuracy.
  • Feature 1
    MAPCODE can be used in setting the destination in the car navigation system. (Limited to the models only that are compatible with MAPCODE)
    Feature1 image
  • Feature 2
    MAPCODE makes it easy to set the destination in the car navigation system since MAPCODE is only 6 to 12 digits.
    Feature2 image
  • Feature 3
    Feature3 image MAPCODE can pinpoint any place without an address or phone number, such as river and night view spots. In the car navigation system compatible with High Resolution Expansion, it can guide you to the destination with high accuracy. (Position errors: 3m)
MAPCODE is a numerical number that the latitude and longitude of a place in Japan are converted into. “Drive! NIPPON” allows you to search MAPCODE. You can also set MAPCODE in the car navigation system in setting the destination. Searching and Using MAPCODE are totally free of charge.

MAPCODE consists of zones that the whole of Japan is roughly mesh-divided into, blocks and units that zones are further subdivided into. MAPCODE is composed of three parts: the first set, zone number; the second set, block number; the final set, unit number. The whole of Japan is divided into 1,162 zones, one of whose length of each side is approximately 27 km. A zone is divided into 900 blocks. A block is divided into 900 units (1 unit : 30m x 30m). Moreover, a unit can be subdivided into 3m squares called S core. That enables you to obtain the location information with high accuracy.
Feature 1
MAPCODE can be used in the destination setting of car navigation. (Limited to models that support MAPCODE.)
Feature 2
The location can be specified with only 6 to 12 digits. Because the number of digits is small, the destination setting for the car navigation system is easy.
Feature 3
You can specify the MAPCODE even in places without addresses or phone numbers, such as rivers and night view spots. In addition, if it is a car navigation system that supports MAPCODE high resolution expansion unit, it can specify a minimum of about 3 m square.